Category Games

[ID] Pengalaman Pake Nintendo Switch OLED

Gaming on Nintendo Switch

Halo, para gamer! Kita akan menjelajahi dunia konsol genggam dengan review Nintendo Switch OLED. Setelah mengamati cukup lama, saya akhirnya memutuskan untuk membelinya, mencari penjual online. Karena tanggal rilis resmi yang sepertinya tidak akan pernah hadir. Dan… kita sedang membicarakan…

My Experience Using Nintendo Switch OLED

Gaming on Nintendo Switch

Greetings, fellow gamers! We are going to dive into the world of handheld consoles with a comprehensive review of the highly anticipated Nintendo Switch OLED. Having had my eye on it for quite some time, I finally decided to take…

Pokémon UNITE Early Impression


What is This All About? A few weeks back (or maybe a couple of  months) I saw news that one Pokémon game that is on Nintendo Switch will be coming to other mobile platforms, Android and iOS. I’m like.. WHAT? …